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K-12 School Safety and Security

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2 min read

Understanding School Cybersecurity: How to Start & Stay Safe

If you’ve been following Avertere's blogs, you likely know a thing or two about online threats aimed at educational settings like schools. But,...

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Avertere | Digital shield icon representing MITRE D3FEND, emphasizing online safety in K12 EdTech classrooms.

2 min read

Shielding Our Schools: Unpacking MITRE D3FEND for K12 Cybersecurity

Greetings, K12 School champions! Our recent explorations, “How to Spot Cyber Threats that Could Harm Schools” and “Cyber Threats to Edu Cloud...

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Avertere | Graphic of Avertere shielding school data in cloud, symbolizing protection for students.

2 min read

Cyber Threats to Edu Cloud Platforms: Google Workspace

In a previous blog, we delved into identifying cyber threats to schools and how they cause impact using MITRE ATT&CK. Today, we narrow down our focus...

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